
Powerful Tips To Boost Your Start-Up Cybersecurity

Cyber infiltrations are perhaps the biggest threat to tech startups. While several tech giants know how to protect their data and ensure optimal cybersecurity, startups fail to do this precisely because of the lack of proper education or funds. This makes the rate of recovery from cyber-attacks quite slim for startups. 

But, with the world progressing into a new tech age, start-up cybersecurity is where new entrepreneurs need to start working. Failing to provide cybersecurity can lead to possible bankruptcy, loss of essential data, and data breach. And, even though the chances of being attacked by such malicious attacks are pretty high, we are here to help you boost your cybersecurity. 


Simply put, your steps to cybersecurity start with your organization. This means, you must begin by educating your employees and following specific measures, so your data stays protected at all times. 

Read on to explore some powerful cybersecurity startup ideas for data privacy. 

The Lurking Threat

According to a 2019 study, the world lost over $2 trillion to cybercrimes in the respective year. While in 2021, the world lost more than $6 trillion. And with the constant surge in such invasions, the world is predicted to spend more than $10 billion on cybersecurity measures to ensure data privacy. 

Here are some of the most common cybersecurity threats: 

  • Denial of service attacks 
  • Malware
  • Phishing mails
  • Man in the middle attacks 
  • Password attacks
  • SQL injection attacks

However, there are several cybersecurity measures that can help startups to protect important data from hackers and cybercriminals. 

Top Cybersecurity Startup Ideas To Ensure Data Privacy

Network Segmentation 

To get started, you must understand that you can not just store all the data in one place. So, rather than having a single network for data storage, segment different networks. This will help you protect start-up cybersecurity to some extent, even if one of the networks is attacked or hacked. 

Enforcing Access Restrictions 

Every enterprise has a bunch of unsatisfied employees, who might also be willing to access sensitive information if things don’t go their way. 

So, when it comes to granting access to sensitive information, follow a need-to-know policy. Meaning, provide access only to the employees who actually need it. And make sure the employees are trustworthy. 

Removing Unrestricted Internet Access

The best and easiest way to enforce data security is by following a restricted internet access policy. This also involves communicating via the same emails, meetings, or contracts. In short, implement this policy almost everywhere possible. 

Providing Employee Training And Documentation 

Did you know that human errors are one of the primary reasons for compromised data security? This data was confirmed by CybSafe, a cybersecurity firm that conducted this analysis. So, to eliminate all human errors, enforce a policy that would require documentation for all business practices, procedures, and processes. Lastly, you must also ensure that all operations conducted for a centralized management system follow the ISO 9001 standards. 

Deny Access From Former Employees 

When an employee leaves your company, you must take the following measures to ensure your start-up’s cybersecurity. 

  • Change all passwords
  • Remove former employees from password managers 
  • Remove former employee’s access from cloud storage
  • Require returning of all business property upon termination
  • Using ISO 27001 policies to ensure cybersecurity 

For current employees, you must employ a cybersecurity measure that is clearly understood and followed by the employees. 

Upgrading The BYOD Policy For Employees 

Some employees might also prefer using their own devices during office hours. While this can help them provide more productive work, it indeed makes your sensitive data more likely to be hacked. 

While stopping your employees from bringing their own devices to the office might not be a great option, you can employ a cybersecurity policy that will prevent them from accessing sensitive information on their personal devices. 

Keeping All Devices Updated 

Latest updates usually come with the latest security patches that can protect your startup from being data compromised. So, make sure all the devices you use or your employees use are on auto-update. 

In addition to this, you can also employ a centralized security policy that will ensure that no devices are left exposed. 

Get Rid Of Old Hardware Devices 

It’s true that in modern times, we have lost complete touch with hardware devices like CDs, USBs or hard drives. But, such devices might also hold some sensitive information that can be accessed by possible hackers. 

So, to improve your start-up cybersecurity, start by transferring all the data stored in such devices to a cloud system and destroy the old storage devices. 

Shifting To Cloud 

Protecting your data from possible breaches is essential. But, if you handle things on your own, you will be diverting a lot of time on enabling these measures instead of carrying out core business operations. 

So, instead of handling everything on your own, you can shift to the cloud. With this, you’ll get more time to focus on the actual work, while cloud providers can use their expert skills to ensure data safety. In short, hire a cybersecurity expert who will help you increase your startup cybersecurity

Enabling A Two-Factor Authentication Process 

As a startup owner, you might think that a two-factor authentication process should only apply to your finances. However, this process can add an extra layer of security to sensitive information and secure it from being hacked, breached, or compromised. 

You can also impose a multi-layer authentication process for highly sensitive data to ensure more security. 

Embracing Open-Source Tools

Financial crunch is quite familiar in a startup culture. And due to this, many startups might resist investing in cybersecurity tools. But, they can use several open-source tools to protect the data. Moreover, these tools can also offer you the freedom to customize the information according to your needs. 

There are several cybersecurity tools or products that automatically interact with any attack to protect the information. These tools, in addition to shifting to the cloud, can help you change the atmosphere related to your start-up cybersecurity. 

Protecting Against Ransomware 

There’s no doubt that ransomware can be the end of any startup, as it might ask for a massive amount of money. These attacks were quite common in hospitals or public schools. However, now, they have entered the startup realm too. 

These attacks can be sourced from viruses or loopholes. So, the best way to stay away from such storms is to eliminate the usage of unauthentic software. 

Testing Your Defenses 

If you don’t test your security, you’ll never know what you are lacking. No matter how hard you try to stay away from these attacks, you will always be likely to be attacked. So, it’s best to stay prepared. Hire a cybersecurity consultant and ask them to run a couple of tests on your security level. 

This will help you identify loopholes in your system and allow you to protect the information more appropriately.  

Creating A Recovery Plan 

As stated above, you will always be likely to be attacked. So, keep a recovery plan ready. A recovery plan for startups is one of the best cybersecurity startup ideas that can help you recover from the attack and avoid bankruptcy. 

What To Do After Your Startup Is CyberHacked? 

Did you know that 60% of the attacks are targeted at small to medium size companies? So, if you get hit by a cyber attack, know that you are not alone. Here are some initial steps that can help you undo the damage and recover from the attack fast. 

Detect The Attack At Its Early Stage 

Yes, it’s pretty hard to detect a cyber attack at its early stage. In fact, most startups fail to determine the attack until it’s too late. So, you must start by looking out for some early signs. 

One of the red flags of an attack would be that your computer has started working really slowly. This happens because cyber criminals would be using your information and accessing your device in the background. Another sign of a hack is a really slow internet connection. In some cases, hackers might also get access to your keyboard and cursors. Here’s what to do when you see these red flags. 

Work On Internal Systems 

If you have an IT department working for your startup, involve them immediately. They will help you determine the source and cause of the attack. This will allow you to secure your network and build a recovery plan. 

For starters, you can start by changing your password, especially for accounts that have access to highly sensitive information. Once you have changed the passwords, disconnect the device, as it will stop further damage. 

This involves disconnecting from WiFi, router, or any network. If your website has been hacked, contact the internet hosting service. 

Take Preventive Measures 

Specific recovery measures will include restoring the data from backups, deleting and reinstalling the operating system, and thoroughly scanning your network. Make sure to follow the above-listed steps to ensure proper cybersecurity. 

Hire Remote Developers For Startups With GraffersID 

A remote developer can help you build safe and secure websites where your sensitive information can be contained. You can hire remote developers from third-world countries to cut down your expenses, improve team productivity and hire global talent. 

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