
Simple Ways to Convert PSD Files into WordPress

These days, website design and development skills are in high demand because of the rapidly increasing tendency among entrepreneurs to have a professional and good looking website for the promotion of their businesses. A good number of web designers use Photoshop to create awesome website designs easily and quickly.

However, with the expansion of their business, they feel the need of revamping their website and make it more user-friendly and attractive. They can do it easily with the help of PSD to WordPress conversion services. As a matter of fact, it’s a process of changing PSD files into WordPress.Just have a look at some key benefits of PSD to WordPress conversion. After that, we will discuss the ways to convert PSD files into WordPress. Let’s get started.

Full Control On Your Site

One of the main benefits of PSD to WordPress conversion is that you can control each and every aspect of your site easily. It doesn’t matter whether you are a technical or nontechnical person. You can take care of various WordPress issues without seeking other’s help.

Cost Effective

WordPress based websites are easy to operate. They are cost effective too because you can install WordPress free of cost and can build WordPress sites easily with the help of free plugins and themes.

Search Engine Friendly

You can optimize WordPress sites easily by adding tags to pages and posts. Apart from this, you can  update your WordPress sites. This helps you a lot in search engine optimization, enabling you to get your site ranked on the first page of Google & other search engines and generate lots of business opportunities.

Plenty Of Customization Options

From time-to-time, you need to customize your site to attract new visitors and meet their growing needs. Luckily, WordPress has lots of customization options. Using those customization features, you can easily customize your site and make it more professional in an easy way.

Social Media

You can’t deny the rapidly growing importance of different social media channels in online business. They allow entrepreneurs to seek lots of business opportunities and generate leads and sales easily.

Fortunately, WordPress is fully compatible with all leading social media channels. So, you can use these free of cost marketing platforms to promote your business on the web and meet the end goal of your web-based business.

Process To Convert PSD Files Into WordPress:

A. Have A Blueprint Of Your Website Design

To create a brand new website is not an easy job. You have to take care of a number of issues such as website design, menu, logo, content, website elements, etc. In order to avoid any problem, you should have a blueprint of your website in advance. For this, you must determine your targeted audience and know what they expect from your brand. You can also review the website design from your competitors and get the idea that you can use to create your website.

B. Slice PSD Files

The first step of PSD to WordPress conversion is to slice the PSD files into multiple style files. It is done because the full design can’t be coded in a single image. You can use an image editing software for this purpose. Generally, web developers use Photoshop or paint.

C. Make The Markup Language

The next step of PSD to WordPress conversion is to code the sliced pictures into HTML or XHTML format and arrange them into different styles with the help of CSS. For this, you need to have a decent knowledge of HTML and CSS. If you are not an expert HTML/CSS programmer, you can hire a WordPress development company.

Here are some resources using which you can boost your HTML and CSS skills easily-

HTML Resources

W3Schools – It is the best website to learn the basics of HTML5. Every element and attribute of this language are well explained with easy examples. So, you can easily learn HTML.

Mozilla Developer’s Section – You can use this source to learn about HTML with the help of tutorials.

Web Design Tuts– This website offers free and premium HTML5 tutorials. You can learn a lot about this programming language through this course.

CSS Resources:

W3 CSS – W3 is famous for excellent CSS3 tutorials. It helps you to learn quickly about a number of CSS3 values, properties, and selectors. On this platform, you can test your CSS skills too.

CSS Validator– Through this platform, you can run all of your CSS3 before you make your website live. It helps you to eliminate errors easily in CSS files.

D. Break The Files

The key goal to code the sliced files into HTML and CSS format is to create totally different effects and pixel-perfect placement. The main purpose of PSD to WordPress conversion is to design exquisite WordPress sites with all the necessary features and functionalities.

Therefore, to make the best use of WordPress, you should style your initial markup language file in accordance with the WordPress theme’s file structure and break them into multiple markup language files such as archive.php, Header.php, Footer.php, Index.php, single.php, page.php, etc.

E. Attach WordPress Tags

Here, you need to add WordPress inbuilt functions in order to induce the required practicality. So, just add WordPress PHP tags to WordPress file structures that are to be used in the site’s theme.

F. Add Necessary Functionalities

By now, you have successfully converted WordPress to PSD. Your WordPress site is ready. Based on your needs, you can add necessary functionalities. You can install and configure some useful WordPress Plugins to increase the functionalities of your site and attract a large number of visitors easily and quickly.

Final Words:

All entrepreneurs want to make their sites look more appealing and professional. If their site is created using PSD files, they can easily resort to PSD to WordPress conversion. These are some basic steps of PSD to WordPress conversion, with which you can convert PSD files into WordPress and create stunning websites.

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